Procurement and Expediting

We have extensive experience in supporting organisations and their operation through our procurement process from oilfield materials to essential pharmaceutical supplies through the whole value chain.

Straight Street International Limited personnel have extensive experience in supporting organisations and their operations. The range of goods secured ranges from oilfield materials such as OCTG, line pipe, marine hoes and valves through to essential pharmaceutical supplies and laboratory equipment and other consumables.

Our direct working experience in supporting downstream organisations and their operations means that we are highly tuned into the demands faced by operators in remote locations.

Straight Street International Limited personnel also have experience in working in remote locations and can therefore empathize with those trying to get the job done. It is through these experiences, an emphasis on communication, and a work ethic to excel at what we do that we can offer a high quality service.

We believe that being an integrated procurement company gives us a greater degree of influence over the supply chain since there is a single point of management control over procurement and logistics. This is possible through the unique composition of Straight Street International Limited – an organisation consisting of procurement professionals integrated with an international logistics organisation with global reach.


Customer Satisfaction

For the customer this means that if a problem arises over delivery of materials, the focal point of responsibility and accountability rests within one organisation – Straight Street International Limited.

Project Management

Logistics and Traffic

Third party Organizations

International Procurement

Suppliers sub- Suppliers

Technical Partners